Tuesday 6 April 2010

How to Find a Real Estate Agent

A real estate agent serves as the guide during the whole process of buying a home. He is the one responsible for making things easy for you when you decide to buy a home. Finding your perfect dream house may be quite overwhelming, most especially if you are on your own. By merely asking the help of an experienced real estate agent, he can help you narrow your home options.

Normally, you will pay the agent three percent of the equivalent price of the house. Statistically speaking, twenty percent of all the real estate agents take care of eighty percent of the whole house buying process. The majority of people consider paying their agents that particular amount, as they know that it is worth the price.

However, the most important question remains unanswered. How do you find a good real estate agent? Certainly, you may want to find someone who is worth the amount that you have paid for. A good an experienced real estate agent is someone who has extensive experience on the said field, is patient, has good professional and working ethics and knows how the real estate market works. Having recognized these important key points, there are three significant places where you can start your search.

The perfect way in finding a good agent is by asking the people that you know. Relatives, neighbors, and trusted friends might be able to help you. Ask them for some recommendations. Try to know their experiences with a particular real estate agent. Inquire whether they are satisfied and contented with the kind of service they have received. Ask them to rate that agent on a scale of one to ten. Being able to know all of this information will help you distinguish whether or not these agents are worth your money or not. Remember not to simply rely and believe on people that you barely know.

Another option is to search over the internet. In the past, you had to visit one office after the other to be able to compare their prices. Indeed, finding a good agent is a lot easier nowadays since these listings are scattered all over the web. However, you must be informed that what you see in their listing is not always what you get. It still pays to read consumer reviews and testimonials before making that tough decision.

And lastly, you can also find an agent by going through the classifieds section of your daily newspaper. Large institutions are more commonly found on classifieds rather than those who are just starting out.

Do not settle with one agent, yet. Try to compare their rates and ask them questions related to the field. Well, here is one thing that you should always pin into your mind - finding a real estate agent is not difficult, but finding a good one is much harder, but well worth your time.

How to Become a Real Estate Agent

Becoming a real estate agent requires dedication and patience. A real estate agent is responsible for bringing the best deal that they could to sellers and buyers. However, there are some characteristics that a real estate agent should posses. Criteria that should be met will be discussed one by one to give aspiring agents a clear view of what are expected from them.

Conduct a self-evaluation exam. Are you a hardworking person? Can you withstand negotiating with different people? Will you be able to dedicate all of the time that is necessary? Are you sure you have good communication and social skills? All of these are important questions that you may need to ask yourself. Be sure that you are positively sure before you say yes to yourself. It is recommended, but not required for you to take short personality development and communication courses. This will help bring out the best in you and reveal those hidden skills you might have.

The next most important thing to consider is your age. In some countries and states, you are qualified if you are eighteen years old and above. Some states will require you to be at least twenty one years old. Try to locate a good real estate school within your area. Make sure that the school that you are about to choose is approved by the state. Is it really necessary to enroll in a real estate school? Definitely it is. There are some terminologies and laws that you should be aware of. Real estate is more complicated than you could have ever imagined. There are a lot of things that you must fully understand and be knowledgeable of before you can ever sell houses.

The things listed above are just the basic requirements for you to be qualified for the job. But, it doesn't necessarily mean that you can become an agent that easily. You also need to acquire a license before you can become a full-pledged agent.

Background checks, state exams, a completed course, (graduate from the short real estate courses) and submission of an application form are the basics on how you can acquire a license. The most crucial part is the background investigation check. Since you are about to handle large amounts of money and confidential information, the RELC or the Real Estate Licensing Commission must make sure that you are someone without bad records.

Say for instance you already passed the exams and gained a license. Congratulations, but what now? You cannot call yourself as a real estate agent, yet. Not until you have gained enough experience on the said field. You have to locate an agency willing to recruit new agents. Go through the yellow pages or online listings. There may be a lot of companies who are willing to hire someone that possess the skills that you have.

Having done all these things, make sure that you practice everything that you've learned and have the motivation to achieve and meet your sales objectives.